Jesse Has the Experience to Lead
Dedicated to Service
Dallas Park & Recreation Board – Vice-Chair (Adam Medrano, Appointee)
Dallas Park & Recreation Board – Chair Planning and Design Committee
2017 Bond Task Force Member
Zaragoza Elementary Site-Based Decision Making Committee – Chair
Peaks Addition HOA Board Member
COVID-19 Economic Recovery and Assistance Committee – Member (Adam Medrano Appointee)
Dallas Mayor’s Star Council (Recommended by Hon. Mayor Mike Rawlings)
Leadership ISD (Recommended by Hon. Angela Hunt)
City of Dallas Youth Commission – Chair (Appointed by Hon. John Loza)
Dallas ISD Teen Board (Appointed by Hon. Ron Price)
Jesse was a student at Woodrow when Hon. John Loza appointed him to the Youth Commission.
Lions Club – President (North East Dallas Chapter)
Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Randall Park (Redevelopment Master Plan)
Lipscomb Elementary Principal (Search committee and PTA)
Woodrow Wilson High School Principal (Search committee recommended by Hon. Dustin Marshall)
Woodrow Wilson High School Site-Based Decision Making Committee
Boys & Girls Club (Volunteer & Board Member)
Mayor’s Back to School Fair (Volunteer)
East Dallas Weed & Seed
Spence Middle School (SBDM)
Kappa Sigma Fraternity (UNT)
Tutoring and mentoring children and youth in the community
Big Brother Big Sister – Big Brother
City of Dallas Bond Committee
Dallas ISD School Board (Campaign volunteer )
Juliet Fowler Nursing Home (Volunteer)
Texas Scottish Rite (Volunteer )
Dallas Bond Campaign (2012)
O.M. Roberts (SBDM)
Area clean up efforts in East Dallas
Rainbow Recreation
Business of the Year East Dallas Chamber
Dallas Zoo Board of Directors
Woodrow Wilson High School Hall of Fame
Woodrow Legends
East Side Steering Committee
Reverchon Round Up
City Wide Graffiti Wipe Out
Stonewall Democrats of Dallas – Member
Gaston Stakeholder Steering Committee
Jesse and his daughter Ava at the Santa Fe Trail
2017 Bond Committee secured millions for Parks and trails enhancing our quality of life
Redevelopment Master Plan for Buckner Park
Rainbow Recreation: The first LGBTQ-safe recreation center
Reverchon Round-Up, new shade structure at all-abilities playground
Approved and implemented the Dallas Aquatics Master Plan
Sprayground at Grauwyler
Sprayground K.B. Polk
Regional Aquatics Center at Samuell-Grand
Regional Aquatics Center at Bachman (coming soon)
Santa Fe Trail enhancements, including lighting, park benches and water fountains
Samuell-Grand Master Plan (new nature preserve and nature playground coming soon)
Crockett Dog Park (opening 2021)
New Cedars Park (opening 2021)
Approval of downtown Parks, including Hardwood Park (2021)
Garrett Park: new all-abilities playground
Led the effort for the Smoking Ban, making our parks healthier and cleaner
Launched Park Ranger Program
Santos Rodriquez dedication of Recreation Center at Pike Park (Santos Public Art Memorial)
Arlington Park new walking loop trail and youth soccer field
Expanded funding and services for our seniors
Extended hours at Recreation Centers for Youth